
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ways to Be

9 Ways To Be Happy and Make Something of your Life 
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Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be Grateful 

                Often times we don't really appreciate what we got even though we are extremely lucky to have what we have. Whether it's your parents, a home, or even food on the table. I think being grateful is a really important trait and characteristic to have. Sometimes young kids from older generations don't appreciate what they have and take it for granted. For example, when a kid mistreats their parents for no reason and act like a brat. There's kids everywhere who wish they had a mom or a dad. The last thing they would think about is mistreating their parents.You should never take anything for granted and be grateful for everything that you have because one day you might not have it. What you have is something that someone else wish that they had. I believe that if everyone actually took their time and saw what is happening around them and all over the world, they wouldn't take the things they have for granted. People would be nicer to others and things around them and not be so selfish. An example of actually being grateful would be being nice to your parents or siblings and appreciating them. Instead of treating them a negative way. 

"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need."
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The way that I will apply this way to my life is by saying thank you more or acknowledging what I need or don't need, and needs from wants.

2.Be Smart 

             There is many ways to define the word smart. It can be street smart, book smart, etc. Either way you have great advantage if you're either one of those. Being smart is knowing what is right from wrong. It can be knowing the answer to a math problem. Being smart is something that will take you far because you'll be choosing what's right. I believe it is a choice whether to be smart or not, because for example you can choose to have an education, get educated, be knowledgeable and use your knowledge whenever you want to. Or you can choose to not be educated and not really expand your mind to learn new things. Choosing to learn new things is a great advantage because you can find yourself in a problem, and since you're smart, you'll be able to figure out a solution. By being smart, you can figure out a way to solve your dilemmas, you think about the easiest and the most correct way for things. So choosing to be smart is the best way to go, and will benefit you throughout your life.

"There are many harsh lessons to be learned from the gambling experience, but the harshest one of all is the difference between having fun and being smart." - Hunter S. Thompson

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The way that I will apply this new way is by when faced with a problem or a difficult choice I will choose what's right and what's best and be smart about it.

3.Be Involved in Good Works 

                Being involved in general or being part of a movement is a good thing and you learn a lot. But the thing that you are involved in has to be a good thing and something you enjoy and that you actually want to do. Being involved in something can make you feel good. It also can change your perspective and ways of thinking. When you have an opportunity to join something that will help someone or something and you think it is right, then you should go for it. I feel like being involved in good works makes you a better person. Whether it's to help someone else or to learn something new, it is benefiting you. Being involved in good works also says a lot about a person, for example it can show that that person cares about the community or a problem happening or just about something important. Being involved in good works will benefit your life and teach you a lot about yourself and others around you. Just like it's so easy for a kid to do something bad and maybe get tied up with some problems, they can change that around and invest their time doing something good and positive. So when faced with a chance to be involved in doing something good, it is best to take it.

"It's so easy for a kid to join a gang, to do drugs... we should make it that easy to be involved in football and academics." -Snoop Dogg

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The way that I will apply this to my life is by being open to accepting new opportunities and taking a chance and getting myself involved in good works. Saying yes to getting involved in my community or something that will benefit me as well as others.

4. Be Clean
Being clean can start with you being clean hygienically, which is something very important and something you should always be doing. It could also mean being clean from drugs. Having your body healthy and not relied on drugs. The word clean has many definitions but something that should apply to everyone, regardless of the definition. It can mean being clean of secrets and lies. Being clean can mean being focused on your goals and where you want to be without being involved in something negative. For me what being clean means, is that your clean of wrong doings, and that you're always choosing the right thing to do. It is being clean of guilt, because why would you have guilt if you didn't commit a wrongful act. It is having your conscious clean, because you know you are a good person. It is knowing when you are wrong, and apologizing for whatever you did. It is filling your mind with positiveness, and not bringing yourself down. It is having a clear state of mind. Which is something that takes work, but that everyone should be working towards. An example of being clean is when faced with a problem, analyze it and see what the source is and why it happened, if you realize it was you or because of you, then approaching to apologize for it. Then you'll live much better and be happy and not have any guilt.

"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." - Mahatma Gandhi

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  The way that I will apply this to my life is by continuing to work towards having a positive mind, and being clean of negative thoughts. 

5.Be True 

Being true pertains to friends, a team, or yourself. Being true means being honest, present, and to contribute. For example, if you're in a team, by being true you will show up to meetings or practices and be a positive contribution. If you're stuck with a choice and don't know what to do, you have to be true to yourself and do what is the right thing to do. Being true is not lying to yourself and saying that a choice is right when you know that it isn't. It is not denying wrong choices or something wrong you did. It is taking responsibility. Being true, is choosing to be a good person because you want to not because you want something or because you are forced to. You should always be true to everyone and yourself. It will make you a better human being, and a much happier human being. I think being true will benefit your life in positive ways. Since you are being positive and a good human being, positive things will come your way. Being true is not lying, being honest, and helping out. Everyone can work on being true.

"Never give up. And most importantly, be true to yourself. Write from your heart, in your own voice and about what you believe in." - Louise Brown

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The way that I will apply this to my life  is by not lying to myself when faced with certain choices, and always doing what is right. 

6. Be Positive
In order for good things to start happening to you, you need to be positive. If you are positive chances are you will attract good. Being positive can be really beneficial to your life and can help you become a happier human being. Being positive and staying positive can be hard but it gets easier once you start reminding yourself that life isn't all that bad and that every mistake is a learning experience. Every negative thing that may happen in your life, you can get something out of it. Once you start having that mindset then things will get easier for you. For example, it is important to stay positive if you are working in a group because if something goes wrong and everyone gives up, you can maintain positive and give everyone hope to recover. Also being positive can give you the best outlook on life. While normally bad things happen, that can create pessimistic people, making them become bitter and not being able to fully enjoy the good things in life. By being positive, you won't let the negative things get to you, which will not affect your character and way of being and your perspective of life. By being positive you will know who to have in your life and you'll know who shouldn't be there. That is why it is good to surround yourself with positive people who will bring out the best in you, and not stress you out.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." - Willie Nelson
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The way that I will apply this to my life is by staying positive and not letting negative things get to me. And if i ever make a mistake i will learn from it. 

7. Be Humble 

It is important to always be humble. It is an important trait to have. Being humble is being modest, and not bragging about what you might posses. It is being respectful and unassertive. Being humble can make you a happy human being because if you're not humble and you're like overconfident and showing off about what you have or that you're really smart, people are just not going to like you. You're just going to develop negative personality traits that are going to make you realize that you should change your ways. An example of being humble is if you posses a lot of valuables and you're kind of just showing off and throwing it in people's faces. That is not being humble. You should always stay humble, even when you're at the top, and you're finally successful, because you should always remember where you came from. But still be proud that you've made it, just not in a disrespectful way. I feel like remaining humble will take you a long way in life.

"Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble."- Shah Rukh Khan

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The way that I will apply this to my life is by always remaining humble no matter what happens. Reminding myself where I came from and not give in into conceit. 

8.Be Still
I think what this means is that people who are really busy and always doing something, it is good for them to just relax and be still. A lot of people prioritize their work or school, etc. and forget to enjoy life itself. Without any stress or work bothering them or keeping them from relaxing. Another way this could be interpreted is that a lot of young people are always moving up and down and it can get hard for them to concentrate so it is good for them to just chill down and relax and just be still for a while. I think that this will help you be a happier person because that way you become a more patient person and can wait longer periods of time leading to the fact that you can manage your impatience better. It is good to think before we react so practicing to be still in general or when faced with a problem will help you develop your character in a positive way. By being still and prioritizing work that you need a break from will also help you enjoy life more. An example of this way is when you're being impatient like waiting in a line and you're getting frustrated, reminding yourself to be still and standing physically still well help you become a better person. Also just taking your time to just be still and listen to a person with open ears. It would be greatly appreciated as oppose to not being listened to and knowing that you're being ignored. Not only will you feel better but you'll will also learn something. So always be patient and still and listen instead of just waiting to say something you'd like to say.

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen- that stillness becomes a radiance." - Morgan Freeman

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The way that I will apply this to my life is by being patient and just listening more. Not being distracted all the time, and just be still.

9.Be Prayerful 

I believe that these nine ways that Gordon B. Hinckley has provided for us will really impact us in a positive way. You truly will be happier with yourself and your life if you practice them and apply them in some way. I feel like these are truly the key to being happy and and living a positive life. We should all be thankful for what we have, be smart, be positive, be humble, etc. Writing the nine ways has opened my eyes to what we should practice in our daily life. I will keep continuing to apply this to my life everyday. I feel like Hinckley came up with this to really help people realize that being those things isn't bad, and that it will change your life for the better. I am thankful that I got the chance to learn these or just to remind myself of these.

The 9 Ways Concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley

             "There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
              They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.