
Thursday, September 22, 2016

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers" 
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John R. Noe

High Achievers....

1. Make no small plans
High achievers make no small plans. High achievers never settle for the least, they want to aim for the best and be the best that they can be. The sky is the limit, and you can be anything you want. That's why they make big plans, not small plans, because you want to challenge yourself and your capabilities. I think it is good that we do this because it can teach us many things about ourselves. You can set really big goals, even if other people think that they are being unrealistic. If you set your mind to it, you can achieve it. Everyone is capable of being someone in life, if they make big plans for change. For growth and for success. That's why people make no small plans, because they want to see where they can end up with their big plans.

"Make no small plans, they have no magic to stir men's blood."- Daniel Burnham

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2. Do what they fear
People who are high achievers always go and do for what they fear. Everyone has to face their fears someday. Even though you can be really scared to face them, it helps in the long run. It can also help you overcome your fear. Once you face them and overcome them you'll tell yourself why you were scared in the first place. If you never do what you fear, you will never grow. And if you never grow you won't be able to achieve what you want to achieve. If you don't do what you fear the most, you'll will have a lot of questions and they'll go unanswered because you were too scared. Great things can come out of doing something that you fear. That's why they are called fears for a reason, it isn't easy but it isn't impossible either. It is something that you need to overcome and face. Whether it's being scared of public speaking, of water, etc. Everyone is capable of overcoming their fears, in result of feeling good about themselves and the fact that they faced them. Doing what you fear can teach you a lot of things about yourself also, so I think if you're too scared to do something just go for it because it may result in something wonderful.
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"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." -Les Brown

3. Are willing to prepare

High achievers are always willing to prepare for what's to come. They don't wait till last minute to get things done. This is good because the day of whatever it is, they don't have to be rushing to get things done. When the day comes they are prepared ready to go. This way they do the best that they can do. You have to be willing to prepare to get the best results. Even though preparing can be hard, it's beneficial and will help you in the long run. You have to be willing to put in your time and effort in it in order to get the best results. Whenever you have a test or something important, it is best to not wait last minute to study or practice, it will only affect you. You always have to think what's best for you. And just do it. You can't just wait, remind yourself what has to be done, and make sure it gets done.

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation."- Robert H. Schuller

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4. Are willing to risk failure
High achievers are willing to risk failure. They know that in order to succeed you have to fail. Understanding that in order to succeed you have to fail is very important for high achievers to understand. It is not always about winning. With failure come great lessons that you can take a lot from. High achievers aren't always looking to win. They'll risk failing in order to get the best results. By risking failing, it shows a lot about your character because you're not playing it safe. You're actually taking a risk and perhaps everything can turn out good. You should always be willing to risk failure because no matter how dumb and idea might sound or what other people think, great things can come out of risking failure and not playing it safe. And even if they risk failure and they do fail, you get back up from it and learn from it and move on. They don't let it define them or what they are capable of. That's the way it should happen. So high achievers are willing to risk failure for the best results.

"Be wise enough not to be reckless, but brave enough to take great risks."- Frank Warren

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5. Are teachable
High achievers are teachable meaning that they are willing to learn and listen when they are being taught. When they are being taught a lesson they are not like most kids that do not listen to what they are being told. They pay attention because they know that it's the right thing to do. They are teachable meaning that you can count on them to listen and learn the material or whatever is being taught. Usually kids don't listen and are always getting distracted, those kids are unteachable. They always end up getting distracted while being taught so they never learn anything. You should always pay attention and listen because then you gain knowledge. High achievers want to do that because they want to learn new things. It helps you get closer to where you want to be at. They are open minded and are willing to anyone's ideas and beliefs although they may disagree, they still learned something new about someone else. So you should always be willing to learn something new. Be teachable, you may learn something valuable.
"The unteachable man is sentenced to being taught only by experience. The tragedy is he reaches nothing further than his own pain."- Criss Jami 

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6. Have heart
High achievers have heart meaning that they have empathy and compassion. They have the ability to feel for others and/or help them. There is people out there that usually don't care about anything or anyone if it isn't themselves. They have no compassion for others. They don't about what others are going through because if it isn't happening to them then it doesn't matter. High achievers have heart because they are able to feel compassion over the problems someone may be going through. They feel the need to help in any way that they can. If their help can be of any use then they are happy. I think that everyone should have heart because it's nice to help someone out, you can make someone's day or really provide a solution to a problem that they are having. You can't be full of hate and expect a happy life. You must be nice and have heart and be compassionate towards things and others.
"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."- Oscar Wilde
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 I think that the 6 attitudes are great to make you a better person with better values in life. They teach you something new that you didn't really know before or didn't practice before. What I commit to do about the 6 attitudes to make myself a better person and become a high achiever is doing and facing what I fear. Just going for it and not being scared that things might not turn out the way that I want them to. Also I'll be willing to risk failure. Not being scared of failing and that things might go wrong. Understanding that to grow, it's okay to make mistakes. Also i'll be willing to prepare for whatever it is that I have to do. Getting prepared raises the chance for the results to be better. I believe that by following these, I will become a much better person and a high achiever. These are the elements in being a better person in life in general so I will follow these 6 elements.

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